test of alert system

Greetings EES Families & Staff,

We've made it through January!

Here are some reminders and information as we continue to enjoy this school year together as a community:

  • Remember to send your student in with a water bottle, inside shoes (especially on PE days) and a change of clothing (we have some items in the share closet, but not every size).

  • Communication with the office/nurse and classroom teacher for any of the following reasons: absences - why is your student absent? , appointments, dismissal changes.

  • We have outdoor recess 3 times a day, as long as the temperature is a "feels like" 10 or greater.  Students should be prepared with boots, snow pants, jacket, hat and mittens.  It is a good idea to have an extra pair of mittens and socks in the backpack.  (we have some items in the share closet, but not every size).

Dates to know:

2/4 - PTC Monthly Meeting (via zoom)

2/10-2/14 - Student Council Spirit Week (see Student Council Flyer)

2/10-2/23 - PTC Read A Thon (see Read-A-Thon Flyer)

2/17-2/21 - President's Day Holiday and February Break - no school

3/4 - Planetarium Visit to EES

3/4 - PTC Monthly Meeting (via zoom)

3/5-3/12- Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey (Grades 5,6)

3/13 - Pi Day & Pi Bee (Grades 4,5,6)

3/14 - Staff Professional Development Day - no school 

Today I sent a test of the alert system (like for delays and snow days) around 3pm.  If you do not receive the alert, please email me! 

Thank you and have a great weekend,

Mrs. Cooper